
My New Hobbies

Now that I've been home a sec, I figured I'd update my blog...I've been thinking of what to put up in this guy. Considering that I haven't told anyone about it yet, it dosen't really matter but when I do decide to let folks know I want them to have something to look at... But since this is a recession then enough digressin'...

Todays topic is Things to do in a warzone, or how I got through a tour in Iraq. You may not/probably do / don't care to know that that small chapter of American history is coming to a close. While plenty of America's finest are still very much in harm's way, it's nowhere near how it was in 2003, or in 2009 in Afghanistan...(what, really...yes still)

So the question I have (not) been asked, is, what do you do over there? Here are a few time killers..

1. Google Reader is the most awesome thing ever, I really cannot overstate how much I love it. I was always kinda meh about RSS feeds, but using reader I found out about literally dozens of other websites I didn't know about on things that interest me...(caveat: not porn). Plus it wasn't blocked by the Facist IMO's

2. Webcomics are funny as crap and probably the most entertaining use of the internet since por...Youtube. My personal favorite is Overcompensating, for its subversive nature and bright colors. There are links to most of my favorites on this very page.

3. Twitter and Facebook...most people already know about this, I was late to the party. But now I'm here, eating all the chips and spiking MySpace's punch.

4. Working out...This was something I did that did not involve a computer. It did involve me waiting on soldiers to stop pretending to work out so I actually could work out. Good Times.

5. Watching il? legal DVD's of the summers hottest flicks. Hey you know how there's that warning before movies about how the FBI will kick your door in and kill your dog if you watch pirated movies...uhh well no one has translated that for the Russian Mafia.

6. Adding Stick shift driving to my repertoire. Again late to the party...how old, almost thirty, yep just learned. Hey all you stick shift "enthusiasts" They make AUTOMATIC transmissions now! You dont have to drive like this is the freaking 1700's anymore. Yeah it looks cool but you know what's not cool, stalling out...and also shifting dosen't look THAT cool.

So that's how I spent my summer vacation in Iraq, plus I started this blog. But I didn't tell anyone about it.

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