
The Plan vol. 1

This song has been stuck in my head all day, so far...maybe my 1st hot shower put me in a slow jam mood...

The routine is getting established...

I had many reasons to want to go to Pakistan, and one was to prolong a stay of execution aka PT Test. Anybody thats known me since whenever knows that I'm a big dude. And I never feel ready to take a PT Test because 1. it's a bummer and 2. my stress level is through the roof. Even when I'm ready for it and worked out for months prior to, it's always a mood drain on me. I think it's mental, matter of fact I know it is. I don't think the boss had confidence in me either, and that may have influenced his decision. One of the last things he said to me was "Watch what you eat out there." I wasn't in the least bit offended. I took it as a subliminal hint, like here is a second chance (or third or fourth, you pick) don't mess it up.


So...back to the routine. We have an airfield here that is about 3/4 mile around. When we first got here I was running 2 laps, the length of the PT test run. It was a killer, but I was doing it. It was in the afternoon so it was freaking hot and hazy and the Helo's would always be coming back at that time. I don't know if you ever took a blast of debris in the middle of a distance run, but lemme tell you, it's not the shiznit. So the new course of action is 4 laps (3 miles, for the kids in the back) in the morning. It's pretty nice, cool weather, it's not crowded sunrise over these mountains is beautiful. I'm not a runner but it's actually a good run. I'm going to try for a 3 on, 2 off schedule, mainly due to laundry.

We used to do pushups in the office every hour but we've been on slack mode lately. If this place had a bench it would be the bomb, but alas we do not. So for now I'm focusing on bringing sexy back 4 laps at at time. And finally taking hot showers. 

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